Differences in medical and sanitary transport

Patients and people in need of medical care are sometimes forced to change the place of treatment or contact the center that will provide them with immediate help. To do this, they must use special vehicles. The same with the transportation of biological materials or test samples. Therefore, in such situations, medical or sanitary transport is used. What are the differences between them? Medical transport - what is it?
The main task of medical transport is help in emergency cases and seriously ill people in hospitals. Such cars always appear on the site of traffic accidents and help their victims. Thanks to them, patients can also be delivered to specialized medical institutions if their further treatment is impossible at the current place of stay. How does the ambulance look for medical transport? First of all, it should be equipped with rescue equipment. What instruments should be included in it are strictly defined by the rules and a decree of the European Union. It is also marked by the symbol of “s” or “p”. There is always a qualified medical personnel in such a vehicle. The group includes a nurse, doctor or paramedic. Such a rescuer should be authorized to provide medical care to the transported patients. You can save a lot of lives to effectively functioning medical transport. Equipping the car, the experience of the crew and the driver’s skills have a key influence on the positive outcome of the rescue operation. How does sanitary transport look?
Sanitary transport was somewhat separated from medical transport. This is due to the different specifics of the tasks assigned to him, as well as the different status of members of the ambulance team. The first difference that catches the eye at first sight is the marking of cars. Sanitary transport is carried out by ambulance machines on which you can see the letter "T". As for the equipment of ambulance machines, it is definitely poorer than what is used in medical transport. This is due to the fact that specialized equipment is not required to perform these vehicles. pointloto
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